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Worry stones are used to reduce stress and temper anxiety. Hold the worry stone between index finger and thumb and gently move your thumb back and forth over the stone. This stimulates the hand nerves that reduce stress. It is a natural calming aid. Native American peoples had a habit of passing on their worry stones to the younger generation, thus preserving a sense of belonging


Rose quartz is pre-eminently the stone of the heart and love. It opens the heart to receive love and to give love. The stone attracts love and friendly relationships and also promotes self-love and self-acceptance. Rose quartz has a calming effect on grief and trauma and promotes empathy, openness and helpfulness. The stone makes receptive to all kinds of beauty and stimulates creativity and imagination. Physically, the stone has a positive effect on the heart, genitals, sexual problems, fertility, chest and lung ailments and prevents dizziness. Finally, it helps with age-related ailments such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

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Worry stone Rosequartz

€ 7,95Prijs
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